If the house is empty or needs updated art work, use art from a local artist and turn the open house into an exhibit.
Theme the event based on the location, style, and theme of the house. For example, if there is a pool on the property, theme the event a "Backyard Oasis."
Have a raffle. For giveaway ideas, work with local businesses who offer specialized services and ask if they would be interested in providing the prize.
People love their pets! Consider making small goodie bags with custom made dog treats. Hole punch your business card and close the goodie bag with a ribbon and card attached.
Find someone, possibly in the real estate industry, who may be interested in hosting the open house with you.
Provide food and beverages according to the season. For example, hot cider during the winter and lemonade during the summer.
This is an obvious one, but there is nothing wrong with baking cookies before the open house and letting the scent take up the airwaves.
If there are several properties for sale in one neighborhood, ask the other representing agents if they would be interested in hosting an Open House Block Party.
Does your client want to sell some of their furniture or belongings before they move? Turn the open house into a mini estate sale.
Have a testimonial sheet! Prior to the open house consider asking surrounding neighbors to state what they love most about living in the neighborhood. Attach the testimonials to the take away material.
Do something fun for the kids. Ideas include setting up a color station, providing sweet treats, or having balloons available.
Co-host the event with a wine specialist. This would add a level of finesse to the event while also making you look like a badass agent.
Schedule the open house at a different time than everyone else. Great times to consider would be on the weekdays from 11am-2pm or from 5pm-8pm.
Ask your clients if there is a neighborhood garage sale in the future . If so, host the sale at the property while also having the home open for visitors.
Film a seller guided video tour of the property, pointing out the history or features of the home.